Thursday, February 13, 2014

Grown Ups Are Stupid Because...

Sometimes when I am typing these up, I want to tweek things here and there and change the original poem.  I really wanted to change the word "untold" to "unknown" tonight, but I didn't.  I might change punctuation and make it more correct (hopefully), but I really am doing a very good job of resisting the temptation to change these poems and I am keeping them the way they were written at the time.

Grown Ups Are Stupid Because...

They make you take baths.
They make you go to bed at eight.
They make you clean your plate.
They never want to play.
They don't understand you when you cry.
They hate it when you ask why.
They always tell you what to do.
And when to do it.
They make you clean your room.
Even though you like it that way.
They always say, "I told you so!"
They can't admit when you're right.
They get mad when you come in late.
But won't buy you a watch
Even though you can tell time.
They're always too busy to play.
They think they know everything.'
They always say, "When I was your age..."
They don't listen to you.
And get mad when you don't listen.
They yell at you for untold reasons.

(Written in 1996 sometime.)

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